Belledune, situated just east of the villages of Nash Creek
and Jacquet River and just west of the city of Bathurst
The parish of Belledune was first of all a mission from 1836
until 50 years later in 1886 when it became a parish
as part of the diocese of Bathurst

Directly across the Restigouche River on the Quebec side
you will find St Simeon and Caplan

Some familiar names found in Belledune then and now

Arseneau, Beaudry, Bernard, Boudreau, Blair, Bertin, Boulay, Boyle, Brown
Breen, Carrier, Carmody, Carney, Simon, Clancy, Comeau, Connell, Culligan
Curry, Daigle, Daly, Degrechie, Dempsey, Deschenes, Devereaux, Dickie
Doucet, Doyle, Duplessis, Dumas, Esliger, Fe(u)rlotte, Fournier, Frenette
Gallant, Godin, Goodwin, Guitard, Hache, Hacket, Healy, Hughes, Hurley
Killoran, Lagace, Lannon, Lanouette, Lapointe, Laviolette, Lawlor
Matthews, Melanson, Moriarty, McDonald, McRae, Murphy, Murray, O'Brien
O'Neil, Paarl, Pitre, Perry, Roherty, Roy, Russel, Shannon, Thibodeau
Ultican, Wilson, Young and many many many more

This page was designed by Irene Doyle, December 1997