In Nash Creek, N.-B.
DOYLE Abraham John son of James P. Doyle and Catherine Carroll
born June 22/1876DOYLE Ambrose son of William Doyle and Eliza Killoran
born Oct. 2/1875DOYLE Clement Osmond son of Paul Doyle and Mary Lapointe
born Sept. 12/1909DOYLE David Arthur son of James Doyle and Angelique Lapointe
born Sept. 30/1885DOYLE Elizabeth daughter of Nicholas Doyle and Elizabeth F. ?
born Sept. 26/1873DOYLE Emilie daughter of William P. Doyle and Eliza Killoran
born Dec. 19/1877DOYLE Francis Joseph son of John P. and Mary Sweeney
born Feb. 20/1876DOYLE James E. son of James Doyle and Catherine Carroll
born Mar. 5/1874DOYLE James Edmund son of James Doyle and Angelique Lapointe
born Oct. 28/1882DOYLE James Raphael son of Paul Doyle and Elizabeth Lapointe
born Aug. 29/1912DOYLE John son of John nad Mary Sweeney
born July 19/1869DOYLE John Alexander son of Edward Doyle and Frances Culligan
born Sept. 23/1873DOYLE Joseph son of Xavier Doyle and Mary Vaillancourt
born May 27/1875DOYLE Joseph Frank son of Maurice Doyle and Edith Godin
born Mar. 29/1908DOYLE Josephine daughter of William P. Doyle and Elizabeth Killoran
born Jan. 19/1882DOYLE J. Leo son of Morice Doyle and Ida (s/b Edith) Godin
born June 16/1912DOYLE Joseph Michael son of James P. Doyle and Catherine Carroll
born Jan. 1/1883DOYLE Joseph William son of James R. Doyle and Angelique Lapointe
born Mar. 9/1884D0YLE Lawrence Patrick son of James R. Doyle and Angelique Lapointe
born July 11/1890DOYLE Louis Leander son of James Doyle and Angelique Lapointe
born Mar. 12/1887DOYLE Margaret Ann daughter of James N. Doyle and Christine Melanson
born Nov. 15/1890DOYLE Mary Amanda daughter of James P. Doyle and Catherine Carroll
born Jan. 1/1872DOYLE Mary Stella daughter of William Doyle and Eliza Killoran
born May 29/1884DOYLE Maurice (my father) son of Maurice Doyle and Edith Godin
born Oct. 28/1909DOYLE Michael Laurence son of Paul Doyle and Mary Elizabeth Lapointe
born Nov. 26/1889DOYLE Peter son of Richard Doyle and Mary Lawlor
born Nov. 20/1867DOYLE Stephen son of John Doyle and Mary Sweeney
born Feb. 16/1872DOYLE Theresa Agnes daughter of Michael Doyle and Mary Devereaux
born Apr. 15/1871DOYLE Thomas son of Nicholas and Eliza Fingleton
born Oct. 9/1872DOYLE William Alexander son of James Doyle and Angelique Lapointe
born Jan. 19/1889DOYLE William Norbert son of John Doyle and Mary Sweeney
born May 22/1874DOYLE William Wellington son of William Doyle and Mary Degrace
born Nov. 13/1882
This page was put together by Irene Doyle