Philip Dumaresq Descendants
Descendants of Philip Dumaresq
Here are some tidbits I have on the Dumaresq of Restigouche and Gloucester counties some taken from the "Miramichi Gleaner"
dated Dec. 1/1829
Sept. 27/1831
Feb 5/1833
Mar. 4/1833
Dec. 10/1833
Oct. 25/1836
Dec. 20/1836
Jan. 31/1837
"Monday Nov. 23 a Public dinner was given to Marcus Scully, Esq., Deputy sur
veyor and Deputy Commissioner of Crown lands by the magistrates and gentlemen
of Bathurst at the London Hotel previous to his departure for Fredericton....
Perry Dumaresqs , Esq., officiated in the chair...."
Public Meeting ..
Convened by High Sheriff County of Gloucester on Nov. 14
William Carman high sheriff in the chair......
Motion by Perry Dumaresq, seconded by William End to have a report of the
meetings published in the Gleaner and "Gazette Royale"
Gloucester County:
Justices of the Common Pleas:
Perry Dumaresq, Robert Ferguson, John Montgomery,
Dugald Stewart
Justices of peace:
Perry Dumaresq and Perry J.N. Dumaresq among others..
The Petition by Perry Dumaresq, Esq., and magistrates merchants and inhabitants
of County of gloucester.
presented to the Hon. House of Ass. on Sat. Feb. 23/1833..... the proceeding of the Crown land Office: fair commercial competition is
prevented, an unjust monopoly is established an evil system of favouritism is
continued to be encouraged......
signed by 1352 inhabitants of Gloucester co.
At Rochville, county of Gloucester, on the 16th of April 1833, by Rev.
McHerron, one
Perry J.N. Dumaresq Esq., to Delphine, youngest daughter of Joseph Arsenault
all of that place
At Dalhousie NB on the 6th of Aug. 1833, by Rev. Somerville, one
Perry Dumaresq, Esq., lieutenant R.N. and subcollector of Her Majesty's customs
, to Mary eldest daughter of Charles Stewart Esq., of Princetown, P.E.I.
Proposed Wesleyan Academy to be erected upon Maryland Hill, Fredericton..
Ten years old... languages... latin... greek... french.
To receive subscriptions: Rev. J.B. Strong(counties of Northumberland,
Gloucester, Kent, Westmoreland, Kings)
Committee of Assistance:
Bathurst Benjamin Dawson, Esq., and Mr. W. Stephens
Restigouche: Perry Dumaresq, Esq.
Journals of Feb. 25
Mr Rankin presented a petition from Robert Ferguson and others at the head of
the navigable waters of the Restigouche praying a new line of road to be
explored and opened between Bathurst and Campbellton
Referred to committe of Roads:
Mr End presented a petition from Perry Dumaresq and others at Dalhousie praying
no alteration be made in the present line of road between Bathurst and
Oct. 12. The gentlemen of Campbellton gave a dinner to the Hon. A. E. Botsford
H.M.'s legislative councillors at the Dalhousie Hotel, 40 gentlemen,
magistrates, merchants, etc..
Perry Dumaresq, Esq., presided, assited by John Montgomery Esq., who acted as
vice president...........
Public meeting at Dalhousie Hotel, Dec. 5,
to again petition for division of
Gloucester County.
Chairman: Perry Dumaresq, Esq.,
Secretary: P.Couglan
Committtee: Hugh Montgomery, Donald Stewart, Robert Ritchie, James Paul, James
Petition to be presented through Peter Stewart, member for Gloucester
Journals of house of assembly Fredericton Jan. 14/1837
Mr Stewart presented a petition from Robert Ferguson and Perry Dumaresq
and 195
inhabitants of Restigouche..
for division of Gloucester co.