A few interesting facts
for both Restigouche and Gloucester

Some amusing and interesting facts about our early days in Restigouche and Gloucester Counties. At one time or another, we all wonder why our ancestors left their homeland to travel to some unknown part of the world. Well when reading facts such as the ones below, we may understand a bit better what they had to live with, and deal with. And some of you may find out why your ancestors landed in Califonia back then.

Mar. 22/1852
The Campbellton Quadrille Club.
Dancing commenced at an early hour, into the somewhat infashionable hours of sunrise, to the strains of the Campbellton Quadrille Band, Mr and Mrs C. Taylor, proprietors of the establishment. Dancing of William Daley, in full costume, as Highland chief.

Dec. 28/1853:
Bonaventure; A great number of young men have gone up to Restigouche or crossed over to New Brunswick in search of employment.

Ball at the residence of Donald McLeod, Campbellton, in honour of Charles Stewart, July 31st on the even of his departure for Australia. He emigrated to this country a few years ago from Isle of Arran.

April 2/1855
Postmaster in Campbellton was James S. Morse

July /1856
Messrs Ritchie & Co., are proceeding rapidly in the erection of an extensive steam saw mill which when in operation will be a novelty in Restigouche

Oct. 25/1856
Ritchie's mill is back in operation, thanks to the engineer Mr. Norman.

June 1856
Elections, Restigouche, Montgomery and Barberie returned
Read and End returned for Gloucester

We are gratified to be able to state that the line was completed to Bathurst on Thursday afternoon last, (July 6/1857) when communication was held between Bathurst and Newcastle and Chatham. The line works admirably..

Leaving for Gaspe, Dalhousie, Bathurst, Miramichi, Shediac and Pictou.
The new iron screw Steamer Lady Head, 150 nominal horse power, William Davidson master, will leave this port on Tuesday June 1st at 9 am. Touching at the above places going and returning
Apply to F.Buteau, McPherson's Buildings, St Peter's Quebec, May 13/1858.

Steamer Lady Head, capt. Davison, arrived from Quebec, Dalhousie is the only port of the Province at which she will call.. she travelled once each 2 weeks.

There was also a steamship Arabian with M. Steen as Commander which travelled, Chatham, Bathurst, Dalhousie, New Carlisle, Rimouski, Riviere Du Loup, Quebec once each 2 weeks also.

Jan. 19/1861, Restigouche is loud in congratulating itself upon its being on speaking terms with the rest of the world. The telegraph line is now in complete working order.

Aug. 16/1858, first message by Atlantic cable. By the director " Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth, Peace to men of good will"., Sept. 1st, public holiday in New Brunswick to celebrate the laying of official Atlantic Cable, and also official opening of the services.

James S. Morse, postmaster for 17 years was fired, and politics are blamed.

Arthur Ritchie, under the name of Arthur Ritchie & Co., by deed of assignment, July 22/1858, assigned all his estate to trustees for benefit of creditors. Hon. John Montgomery and James Ritchie appointed trustees.
Dalhousie July 22/1858
Arthur Ritchie
George Moffat, attorney

Melainotypes for Australia, California and Frazer River Gold Mines. Portraits in melainotype can be sent to any part of the world in a letter, without injury. Warranted not to fade, E.J.Russel, McDougall's new building.
Ambrotypes and Photographs, Mr E.J.Russel, from Fredericton, will remain in Chatham a short time, he ahs taken room in the second story of MacDougalls' new Bldg. Colored ambrotypes from half a dollar.

We understand that the question of decimal currency will be brought before the Legislature at the next session. We hope the representatives of the people will give it a favourable hearing , it is time our absurd way of counting money was discontinued
The plan of dollars and cents has been adopted in Canada, and is well liked there. The Nova Scotians have assumed the same thing.

John Thomas, an indian has killed 90 moose last year, and he has already killed 70 this year and expects to kill 100.. he sells the skins, protests..

In 1861, Campbellton had a fire which pretty well razed the town. In August of 1861, it is written"Campbellton, 400 population, Fine view from Hon. John Mc Millan, the ravages of the late fire are still apparent, the saw mills of Mr McMillan are on the Canadian side, Superior School taught by Mr Crockett.

Dalhousie is larger, older, further advanced than Campbellton, population 600, home of former member Andrew Barberie and two members William Hamilton and John Montgomery.

April 11/1848
30 pounds to explore and open a road to the back settlement at Belledune on the line between Ulticans and Quinns.
May 22/1848
15 pounds to open a road from Rough Waters on the South side of the river to the Second concession.
250 pounds from the main road on the Northside of the river Wough to Shippegan via the Plains.

Nov. 9/1847
A pretty little church with its gracefully tapering squire has for a short time past been in course of erection at Shippegan. This building, now fully finished, and painted outside, was opened for Divine Services, on Sunday, by Rev. George MacDonnell of Bathurst.

June 6/1853,
The actual work is to start on the railroad from Miramichi to Quebec.
Aug. 3/1853,
Parties of engineers are now engaged on the survey of the Miramichi line, and have already advanced some ten miles from The Bend.
Sept. 1861
Intercolonial railway
Hon. Tilley, Smith, and Mitchell are delegates appointed by our government, to Canada, to trace the route of the railway.

Caution to the public
Whereas James Ryan, of the Head of the Bay Chaleur, in the parish of Dalhousie, County of Restigouche, obtained a Deed of conveyance from the subscriber by fraud, circumventing and misrepresenting: I do hereby caution all persons from purchasing the lands and premises contained in the said deed, from the said James Ryan or any part thereof.
Witness: Peter Hacquoil
Pascal Chalifour
Dalhousie, Jan. 17/1850

Public Notice:
I am charged by Paschal Chalifour,
I do now declare that the said deed was drawn by, and executed in the presence of Andrew Barberie Esq., Barrister of this town.. All parties equally agreed in the first place: and when executed, was read previously over in a deliberate manner by Andrew Barberie, and plainly translated to said P. Chalifour.
I further declare that I was reluctantly persuaded by the said Chalifour and his wife to enter into such arrangements as the said deed specifies
Dalhousie Jan. 25/1850
James Ryan

November 10/1851
A sewing machine, now on exhibition at the Fair held at Castle Gardens, New York. It is constantly surrounded by a crowd of spectators. It is about 12 inches square, weighs 65 lbs, and will do the work of 8 to 10 persons. It is called the Singer's Straight Needle Perpendicular Action Sewing Machine.

Bathurst July 6/1849
Mr John T. Carter, has opened his house, in the Town of Bathurst as a Temperance Inn.
Mar. 23/1860, First Temperance meeting held in schoolhouse near Louison's Brook, Next meeting in April when a Total Abstinence Society will be formed.

Saturday July 19/1851, a very fine frame of a Roman Catholic Church was erected on the old foundation at Pokemouche. About 3 years before the church had burnt.

At the extreme easterly point of Miscou Island about a ¼ mile from shore, around 1850, there appeared a little island composed entirely of freestone. Observable only at low tide. The Island was visited by the correspondant of the Gleaner, of Pokemouche on May 1/1854 and named Maiden's Island for the few maidens who accompanied him and the Wilsons.

March 31/1955, 1200 pounds alloted by Gov. for the erection of a Light house and Keeper's building on Miscou Island. June 20/1855, Tenders will be received till July 20 at the office of George Kerr , Chatham, for the erection of a light house and Keeper's house on the Island of Miscou. To be completed Aug. 1/1856. Two bondsmen required
Chief commissioner.