FIRE The steam mill of Rankin and Ferguson & Co. Bathurst was burtn down on April 17/1845
FIRE Jan. 29/1848, the Mill houses belonging to Joseph Read Esq of Bathurst, was entirely destroyed by fire.
FIRE Oct. 30/1848, The Roman Catholic presbytery at Bathurst, lately erected for the Rev. Mr Power, accidentally caught fire and in a very short time was burned to the ground.
FIRE Pokemouche church Nov. 15/1848, the new chapel in course of erection, the adjoining vestry and the old chapel burnt to the ground.
FIRE (May 24/1852) Tetagouche bridge burned, built last year, also 3 or 4 houses..
FIRE (Sept. 5/1852) Two of the Lazaretto buildings at Tracadie, occupied by lepers were totally destroyed by fire about midnight. The cookhouse and wash house were saved.
FIRE Tuesday morning Aug. 26/1851, at 3pm(?) fire at the blacksmith's shop owned by Mr Edward Gordon, at Dalhousie, 3 buildings burned, No lives lost.
FIRE Chatham Aug. 10/1853, Small building on Queen St., owned by Peter Walsh, occupied by 3 families, Michael Cantfield, Patrick Ryan, Felix Leguff.
May 17/156, last week, the dwelling house of Mr Rufus Chamberlain, Oak Point on the Canada side of the river was burned down.
June 30/1856, The American trading schooner the Lioness, with Captain Watson of Gloucester Mass, USA, while anchored at Miscou Island, was burned to the water's edge, it is believed that Lucifer matches of which there was a large quantity in the hold was the cause of the fire.
July 1856, the house of Captain George Morrison of River Charlo, was burned to the ground.
The Great Campbellton Fire of 1910
From the Newspaper "The Gleaner" which covered from Miramichi to Restigouche This page was designed by Irene Doyle for Gloucester GenWeb Nov. 1999