Although the Indians were under the surveillance of the priests, they were necessary to
the St John River as they were the source of wealth, FURS...
France (St Malo) sent fur traders to the St John as early as 1606, but the King Louis
wishing to keep this source fo wealth for the crown made the Indians the sole people to
obtain the skins. in 1627 the fur-trade was given to a government chartered company.
Often by necessity, the law was broken by all, even priests. Trading posts were
established on the river at different periods.
D'Aunay Charnissay seized Fort Latour in 1645 from the desire to have its lucrative trade
in furs. In 1659, Sir Thomas Temple caused a fortified fur-station to be established at
the mouth of the Jemseg .
In 1693 a company called "Company of Acadia" built a trading post opposite Fort Nachouac
with managers Martel and Baptiste ?.... so in 1693 a white man built on the future site
of Fredericton..
In 1933, an Archaeologist made an investigation of part of the old Indian burial-ground
on the bank of the Saint John River at the west end of Fredericton and found within a
very small space, 7 skeletons he pronounced to be male Indians..dead 2 or 300
years before and all had a broken skull.. probably the results of Mohawk raids..