A selection of entries in the Restigouche Grand Jury Book 1858-1877
Edited and courtesy W.A.Clarke
Restigouche County Museum
P.O. Box 1717
Dalhousie, NB
E0K 1B0
July 1858
To John McAskill for self and horse to Colborn and conveyance John McLean (a prisoner) to Dalhousie Goal
Jay 1859
The Grand Jury recommend that three Men, Malcolm Morrison, Henry Gold and David Alexander as a Committee to veris the Gaol at least once in every three Months to see that it is kept in proper order
The Jury recommend that Twenty shillings be paid Edmond Myles and not overlooked as last year
January 1860
In the case of Mary O'Brien would be pauper, parish of Addington, we jurors, don't think her's a case of necessity
In the case of Mr Shaw keeping Mrs Currie as a pauper we recommend that he be done justice
Januray 1861
The Grand Jury have received a Petition from John Meehan a Parish Pauper, requesting support until 1st May next & sufficient means to enable him at that time to remove to his Sons in Miramichi, the Grand Jury recommend the Prayer of this Petition to the favourable consideration of the Overseers of the Poor of Dalhousie Parish.
John W. Campbell Esqr., appreared before the Grand Jury and complained that Brunswick Street has for some time past been boomed across to the great annoyance and invonvenience of the Public, the Grand Jury believe that there is just Cause for Complaint in the matter and recommend that he Commissioners be instructed to see that all such obstructions be removed.
John Pike's a/c for 5/- is disallowed, the ship should pay the expense of putting the sailor on board
Richard Parel's a/c 8/6 is disallowed, he must look to those who employed him
The Grand Jury disapprove of granting a Tavern License to Archibald Chisholm unless he has the accomodations required by law such as stabling beds &c &c (it was later refuset)
The Grand Jury recommend that means be adopted to prevent snowballing and coasting in the Towns of Dalhousie and Campbellton
July 1862
The Grand Jury have had before them a/d's from John Potter , James Harding and James Fraser for services in exploration of site for Public Wharf but do not feel warranted in entertaining them
January 1863
The Grand Jury recommend that the session take into the consideration the case of John Duncan Jr., and grant him recompence for the loss he sustained in removing Salmon Nets belonging to John Gerred
July 14/1863
The Grand Jury present Mr Alexander Cool for selling liquor without license to William H. Parker and John Mair
January 5/1864
The Grand Jury would particularly call the attention of the Court, in the case of John Cane, who was fined for selling liquor without license but as the said John Cane shewed buy petition that he had already paid the amount, as shewn forth in his petition - therefore recommend that the said amount be taken in payment for his future license.
January 4/1865
Patrick Ultican in the parish of Durham has made no Return the the Clerk of the Court his a/cs are therefore not passed
January 2/1866
Recommend that the Bench authorize John L. Barberie High Sheriff or some other person or persons to supply the jail with necessary repairs also such furnishings as beds & bedding &c for the Comfort of Prisoners
We regret to say taht we have no a/cs before us from John Gerrard Collector of the Parish of Addington who it appears by a/cs of Overseers of the Poor of that parish is in arrears for a very large sum as is shown by said a/cs. The Grand Jury would therefore recommend stringent measures from the proper sources that affect may be had on such delinquents to the proper discharge of their duties.
July 14/1868
The Grand Jury to the number of 16 attended at the Court House at the hour of Eleven oClock a.m. and there remained until dinner time. no Justice appearing to open the Court. David Sadler esq was in attendance a short time. The Jury then dispersed and reassembled after dinner when the following answered to their names , viz.
James hamilton, Michael Fitzgerald, William Mkenzie, Archd Cook, Donald Murchie, James Craig, William Robison, James Calderwood, Nathaniel Perrot, Robert W. Good, Malcolm Morrison (Was in attendance in the forenoon but did not answer his name when called in the afternoon) Richard Karney, Nicholas Bateman, Alexr Chisholm, John Faulds, Robert Cook Junr, Edmund Gordon. When directed by the Court to retire and Elect their Foreman, all with the exception of Archd Chisholm, Nicholas Batemen and Robert W. Good refused to be sworn as Grand Jurors, or proceed to Elect a Foreman on the grounds that they have been in attendance since ten o'Clock a.m. and no Justices appearing to open the Court. That further protesting that two Justices are not sufficient to legally constitute a Court, wherefor they departed - no Jury sworn
January 4th/1870
We strongly recommend that the commissioner of the roads make an anal return of their acts.
January 1872
We find that Cows and geese are a public nuicance in the Town of Dalhousie and recommend they be kept off the streets at night.
Thanks Bill